Co-founder & Chief Evangelist

No child should be denied the right to his or her education in faith, which in turn nurtures the soul of a nation.

- Pope Benedict XVI

Stephanie Saroki de García is co-founder and chief evangelist of Seton Education Partners, which launches and currently operates nine Catholic and public charter grade schools in three states serving nearly 4,000 children and their families. She helped launch Seton in 2009 (at the height of the Great Recession) to expand opportunities for parents in underserved communities to choose an academically excellent, character rich, and—for those who seek it—vibrantly Catholic education for their children. She served as Seton’s managing director for a decade. Most recently, Stephanie launched and for over five years directed the Philanthropy Roundtable’s K-12 education programs, where she spearheaded a series of conferences, strategy sessions, and publications on breakthroughs in education philanthropy. She co-wrote Saving America’s Urban Catholic Schools: A Guide for Donors and also served on the strategic planning committee for the Archdiocese of New York’s school system, chairing the committee on school leadership. Previously, Stephanie was a Teach for America corps member in Oakland, California, where she taught high school English and was twice given the award of Excellence in Academic Instruction for fueling dramatic improvements in her students’ achievement. She attended Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government as a dean’s fellow, one of two merit-based scholarships offered in her program. While completing her master’s degree in public policy at the Kennedy School, Stephanie worked at the Office of Management and Budget. She received a bachelor of arts degree in rhetoric from the University of California at Berkeley, graduating summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. Stephanie lives in San Diego with her husband, where she is a proud mom to two amazing children.

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