Advancement Manager

God, infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created man to make him share in his own blessed life. For this reason, at every time and in every place, God draws close to man.
- Catechism of the Catholic Church 1
Molly Murphy is currently serving as the Advancement Manager for Seton Education Partners, specifically engaging the mission of Seton with the great state of Texas. Prior to joining Seton, Molly served as an on-campus missionary with FOCUS for four years at the University of Alabama. Through FOCUS, Molly got to participate in the greatest gift: sharing the life-changing truth of the Gospel with others. She looks forward to continuing to share the joy of Heaven through her work with Seton. She holds a BBA in Business Honors and Marketing from Texas A&M with a minor in Spanish. She loves spending her time in the sun when possible, reading a good book, exploring coffee shops, and catching up with friends on a good front porch.
Aaron Brenner ❘ Abby Burns ❘ Abby Jones ❘ Ale Slingerland ❘ Ali Apfel ❘ Ana Vasquez ❘ Andrew Ketchum ❘ Carol Cunningham ❘ Carol Cunningham ❘ Christine Warner ❘ Clare Fay ❘ Colleen Vaughn ❘ Connor Pietrzak ❘ Cynthia Valencia ❘ Daniel Palombo ❘ David Mata ❘ Diana Amador ❘ Elizabeth Reckart ❘ Elliot Hachey ❘ Emilia Chornay ❘ Emily Brooks ❘ Emily Gilbride ❘ Evan Vautour ❘ Fr. Mark Haydu ❘ Gabrielle Ramirez ❘ Grace Palumbo ❘ Hannah Lafiosca ❘ Jack Wright ❘ Jennifer Hall ❘ Jenny Garcia ❘ Jenny Kibrick ❘ Jessica Lovinsky ❘ Jhonell Williams ❘ Jill Limongi ❘ Jolleen Wagner ❘ Juliana Odame-Arhin ❘ Kari Hancock ❘ Katie Hernandez Akers ❘ Lena McGovern ❘ Margaret Rippe ❘ Maria Valencia ❘ Maria Vazquez-Cordova ❘ Mary Grace Hamilton ❘ Matt Salvatierra ❘ Maura Friddle ❘ Michael Carbone ❘ Molly Murphy ❘ Olivia Lang ❘ Patrick Sitzer ❘ Paula Pineda ❘ Quinn Greene ❘ Reyes Claudio ❘ Ruby Amezquita ❘ Sandra Céspedes ❘ Stephanie Saroki de García ❘ Stephanie Villamor ❘ Teresa Martin ❘ Tess Lane ❘ Trevor Sorensen ❘ Valerie Guerrero ❘ Yael Nurko ❘ Yeime Valle ❘ Zoranlly Burgos ❘