Executive Director, Romero Academies & General Partner

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

- Margaret Mead

Emily Gilbride is the Executive Director of Romero Academies. Previously, Emily was the Director of the Seton Blended Learning Network, which posted growth on-par with or outpacing that of many high-performing charter networks while simultaneously driving a collective 30% increase in enrollment. Prior to joining Seton, Emily was a Teach For America corps member in Southwest Ohio, where she taught middle school math and served as a content leader for fellow secondary math educators. She has successfully led the multiple campaign for a Cincinnati School Board members, county judges, and state representatives. Emily earned a bachelor of arts degree in philosophy, politics, and public and political science, with honors, from Xavier University and her master degree in nonprofit administration from the University of Notre Dame.

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