Letting the Young Know that They are Loved: A Story of Discernment
Coming into this year of mission as a Seton Teaching Fellow took much discernment and a will that was beyond mine. Past experiences, in-person observations, and discerning prayer led to my “yes” to serve as a Pre-K and Kindergarten Theology teacher at Romero Academy at Resurrection (which took me by surprise).
Cultivating My Small Field for Christ
“We cultivate a very small field for Christ, but we love it, knowing that God does not require great achievements but a heart that holds back nothing for self!” – St. Rose Phillipene Duchesne.
Hard Gifts
My year as a Fellow has challenged me more than I thought it would. When I came into this year, I thought that I knew what it meant to surrender.
Pursuing Sanctity in Community
My main consolation during COVID has been community. My year as a Seton Teaching Fellow opened with a 14-day quarantine upon entering the Bronx and this period of seclusion created a strong culture of prayer in the men’s community.
Reflecting 2020: My Fiat Year
By Jenny Saloio (Cohort 7) At the very beginning of 2020 I chose the word fiat as my word of the year. Fiat in Latin
All for His Kingdom: Humility, Giving up my Will for His
Therese Drake is a current Seton Teaching Fellow serving on our Operations team at Brilla Caritas Elementary School in the North Bronx. She graduated from