Free Will and Error in the Classroom
To be an authority in the classroom requires authenticity, and that includes choosing to acknowledge our mistakes. Teaching students the gift of error, and how to respond freely and virtuously to it, is a necessary facet of the Christian experience.

The Gift of a Year, the Calling of a Lifetime
Seton Teaching Fellows offer up a year of their life in Christian service. It’s a gift freely given. Some of our STF alumni experience a gift in return: a vocational calling.

The Loss of Mystical Prayer
There are many social issues that get touted as “the greatest problem facing the Church today,” but the Church faithful often fail to see the spiritual drought at the root of these concerns.

What Does it Mean to be a Teacher? A Meditation
Thomas May is a Cohort 8 Seton Teaching Fellow serving at Brilla College Prep Middle School in the Bronx, New York. He attended Thomas Aquinas College where he studied the classical liberal arts. In this short piece, read Thomas’s reflection on teaching, his thoughts on awakening the gifts of students through education, and his experience of learning how to be Christlike in the classroom.

The Cult of Efficiency
In this short piece, read Emily Kling’s reflection on rest, and how God has revealed to her the nature of rest in the modern world not only through her own academic study of our faith, but also her through work with her disciples as a Seton Teaching Fellow.

“Come, Holy Spirit…”
“Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray.” I still remember the night this one-liner became firmly etched in my mind. It was a Monday night in Auburn, the spring semester of my junior year. Every Monday night, we had adoration and afterwards, we would listen to campus ministry announcements and have a social hour. After the announcements, the leaders would ask for a volunteer to close us in prayer. On this particular Monday night, after a moment of silence, a young man volunteered to lead. He began with the Sign of the Cross, then said, “Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray.”